Everyone, especially Companions and those who in any way associate themselves with the work of the Order, by assisting in the Hospital or Hospice or by regular attendance at Masses in the Conventual Church, is warmly encouraged to attend both at the Solemn Liturgies (indicated in BOLD in the timetable below), which should form an important part of the liturgical life of all Catholics, and also at the Spiritual Conferences, which will help us to deepen our understanding of our Faith. They will be given by one of the Order Chaplains.
The Office of Matins and Lauds, historically known as Tenebrae, will be sung in chant each morning in choir by the Knights, to which all are most welcome. This provides an opportunity for those committed elsewhere for the main Liturgies to participate in the Triduum in the Conventual Church.
Good Friday is a day of Fasting and Abstinence, upon which all Catholics between 14 and 60 must refrain from eating meat products, and may only eat one simple main meal and two small snacks, or collations. Water may be taken at any time.
Lent ends on Spy Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday, despite the solemn anticipation of Our Lord's Passion, is also a day of rejoicing for the institution of Holy Communion at the Last Supper, at which Christ gave His risen Body to His Church for our salvation. For this reason the Mass is celebrated in white with Gloria. It is fitting that we also celebrate this at our tables with more festal food, and those who have abstained from meat for the whole of Lent should end their fast on this day.
A printable leaflet with all the details below may be downloaded here.
Good Friday (2nd April)
Compline, with Veneration of the relic of the True Cross 6.00pm