The second Friday of the season of Lent, Friday after the first Sunday, was in many places celebrated as the Feast of the Holy Lance and the Nails of Our Lord's Passion.
The Lance and Nails on a stola of the Professed of our Order,
showing also the Crown of Thorns from last Friday's feast.
VERE languores nostros ipse tulit, et dolores nostros ipse portavit : et nos putavimus eum quasi leprosum, et percussum a Deo, et humiliatum. 
V. Foderunt manus meas et pedes meos.

R. Dinimeraverunt omnia ossa mea. 
Oremus. DEUS, qui in assumptae carnis infirmitate, clavis affigi et lancea vulnerari pro mundi saluti voluisti : concede propitius : ut qui eorumdem clavorum et lanceae solemnia veneramur in terris, de glorioso victoriae tuae triumpho gratulemur in coelis. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Let us continue to pray, on the Fridays of Lent, for the wellbeing of our holy Order, and for the strength in a time of trial for our beloved Religious members, who through all their human frailty, have dedicated their lives to our sanctification.

We have been asked the whereabouts of these holy Relics.  The relic venerated as the Holy Lance is now kept in Vienna, having for a millennium been in the care of Holy Roman Emperors. The reliquary contains also one of the Holy Nails, the latter has been authenticated as 1st century Roman.  Other Nail relics are variously in Rome, in Trier, in Milan, in the Holy Crown of Lombardy and elsewhere.  All may be truly venerated as relics of Our Lord's Passion, even though there are too many.  This is no cause of scandal or humour, but a refection of the genuine piety of our predecessors.  We must not lose sight of the fact that in our own Order we legitimate may venerate three heads of our holy Patron.