This week it was the custom in many places on the Friday after the Second Sunday of Lent to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Shroud in which Our Blessed Lord was wrapped in the Tomb.
The Holy Shroud, which is kept in Turin |
JOPEPH, nobilis decurio, expectans et ipse regnum Dei, mercatus est sindonem, et deponens corpsu Jesu, involvit illud in sindone.
V. Tuam sindonem veneramur Domine.
R. Tuam recolimus passionem.
Oremus. DEUS, qui in nobis sancta Sindone, qua corpus tuum sacratissimume cruce depositum a Joseph involutum fuit, passionis tuae vestigia reliquisti : concede priopitius ; ut per mortem et sepulturam tuam, as ressuretionis gloriam perducamur. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
It is never too late to begin our Lenten observances, so if you have not joined us on the previous two Fridays, please pray this week, as we are on the Fridays of Lent, for the wellbeing of our holy Order, and for the strength in a time of trial for our beloved Religious members, who through all their human frailty, have dedicated their lives to our sanctification.