CitizenGo, known we are sure to many of our readers, is an international Catholic community which serves to support ethical campaigns worldwide. They have recently raised awareness of the case of Asia Bibi, a campaign promoted here by Grand Prior Fra' Ian Scott; the case of the persecuted street preachers in England raised on this blog in the past; erosion of religious freedom by banks, covered here recently; as well as innumerable cases of support fighting abortion, blasphemy, and fundamental ethical issues. They work through campaigns of petitions and advisory support. These campaigns work!
As in any organisation offering free speech, we do not always agree fully with the campaigns they promote, but it is our duty as Catholics to use our own conscience to determine our actions and opinions.
Now their UK representative, Caroline Farrow, a Catholic mother, journalist and commentator, is suffering persecution by legal action from international Left-wing organisations, with the immense funding potential of George Soros and other globalist organisations, who wish to silence the ethical voice of the Catholic majority, in its opposition to abortion, LGBT and other radical policies, and defence of the family. Persecution is similarly being meted out in Kenya upon Ann Kioko, their Campaigns Director. Africa is proving, Deo gratias, a much harder nut to crack than Europe, and the battle there is more vicious. But they cannot fight alone.
We are asked for our active support, as well as financial contributions to defend free-speech. You may read about it and contribute HERE.
Please be generous, with your time to inform yourself, as also with your prayers.
Our Lady of Philermo, pray for the Christian world.