George Moreland - Children playing at soldiers, 1788 |
The Scottish government in the Holyrood Parliament, under Nicola Sturgeon, is proposing to push through a Bill to allow anyone to change their legal sex without a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, from 16 years of age. The two-year waiting period has been reduced to 3 months. Parents will not need to be consulted.
This grossly immoral Bill is a grave danger to vulnerable children, denying them the medical and mental care they need, and allows men of perverted disposition freely to threaten women, and thus children too, and invade their privacy with legal impunity.
Condemned by the Scottish Bishops (HERE), it has received very high profile opposition, including from the feminist author of the Harry Potter books, J K Rowling (see HERE), and is opposed by two-thirds of Scottish voters.
We are encouraged to support our Scottish friends by signing this petition to the MSPs. SIGN HERE. Let us fight this evil together as soldiers of Christ, to preserve the innocence of a future generation.